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Heykel Gibi Saç Tasarımları

Heykel Gibi Saç Tasarımları

Laetitia KY, uzun saç örgülerinden heykelsi tasarımlar yaparak moda ve sanat alanındaki yeteneğini ortaya koyuyor.

On parmağında on marifet sanatçı Laetitia KY, çılgın saç modelleriyle hem interneti hem de moda dünyasını büyülüyor. Uzun saç örgüleriyle tek çizgi kompozisyonlar yaratan saç heykeltıraşı, esprili yaklaşımıyla takipçilerini gülümsetiyor.

Uzun saç örgülerinden tek çizgi kompozisyonlara

Fildişi Sahili’nde yaşayan Laetitia KY hem bir moda tasarımcısı hem de bir sanat tutkunu. Son dönemde kendini ifade etmenin bir yolu olarak saçlarıyla adeta illüstrasyonlar çiziyor. Kâh kendine saçlarından Kim Kardashian kalçası ya da Noel ağacı yaparak gündeme göz kırpıyor, kâh örgülerini kafasının üzerinde konuşma balonu olarak şekillendiriyor. Saçları bazen figürlere ya da portrelere, bazen günlük yaşamdan objelere bazen de uzuvlara dönüşüyor. Örneğin en son paylaşımında saçlarından bir doğum günü pastası yaparak kendi doğum gününü kutladığını görüyoruz. Laetitia KY hem yeteneğini hem de mecrayı pazarlama ve reklam amacıyla da en iyi şekilde kullanıyor. Saç vitamini markası Sugarbearhair ve giyim markası River Island ile iş birliği yaptığı ve bu markalara özel saç kompozisyonları yarattığı göze çarpıyor.

Happy valentine's day ❤❤❤??????????????! #valentinesday #love #kiss #roses #art

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#bodypositive #bodypositivity #selflove #food #loveyourself Story by @abbytsao When I was younger, I was quite skinny and underweight. So I never thought I was 'fat' or could be 'fat'. But then in high school, I started eating more and gaining more weight. My mom was actually really happy at first but after a few years, even she said I should be careful. To be honest, I'm very sure that I am not fat at all. And in high school, it was a very international school so they were very accepting of body and nobody ever. thought I was fat. But since my university, I have moved back to my Asian (Hong Kong) culture where people are very skinny, and being skinny is very important. I've been called fat so many times and made fun of. But I knew I didn't care. I loved myself! Especially since I know God made me so I am perfect the way I am! So when people make fun of me, I always brush it off and don't care what they say because I found my own confidence within me and in God's love for me. So that's my story. People still make fun of me until this day. But I don't care. I can even make fun of myself. Also, I really like running, and people always think I'm doing it to become skinny, but that is really not true!!! I will run even if I don't lose any weight because I love it, and I love the feeling of my body becoming stronger! Of course there are times of insecurities but all that will pass and in the end, your body is yours so love it and take care of it! One funny side note, I always think to myself, ""Do I like eating more or being skinny more? Which one will give me more happiness?"" and the answer is always food!!! So I always choose it! ?

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#bodypositivity #bodypositive #selflove #selfcare #loveyourself Story by @maja_diana I have a story for body positivity too. The thing is, I never struggled with my body, I always liked it. What I never liked were the comments. In relation to my body I have big boobs, wich is not the problem even if I'm not always happy with them. People might think, I should be and even if I am very Ok. with that the most time, it's not always funny. When i was younger (about 14), many people, especially women called me a whore, for just having them. I often got told that I am too slutty and my shirts are too sexy. The thing is, i never wore anything the others don't, just normal shirts, it just looked diffrent on me. People won't belive how many adult (in my case women) assault young teenager girls. When you are 14 and haven't even thought about sex, being a "whore" really confuses. In the other case for the men you're also just boobs, nothing else. It's the only thing they can see. I don't dress nondescript, I don't want to. I can't see why I should dress very careful just because an anybody feels attacked by my body. I wear what I like, and I do what I like, not to impress any men, not to be "sexy" for society. I do it just for me because I want to.

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#bodypositive #bodypositivity #selflove #loveyourself #tall Today i have 2 stories for you ! Story 1 by @brazzabujadz At my young age I’ve already seen that I was a bit different than other kids. I was the tallest kid. ALL MY LIFE IN ALL COUNTRIES I’ve been, peoples always make comments about my height before anything else and that has always been embarrassing for me. They ask how tall I am before even asking my name, some call me names that lows my self esteem. That’s why I ended up walking with a forward head posture to feel a bit shorter than usual, hated my self so much that I became very anxious, began to dress like boys because I didn’t want people to look me and judge me. I always thought that peoples talk about me in a negative way. I also had problems dating boys because I was too tall. I ended up not loving myself anymore until I started to realize that nobody was perfect. My body is a creation of GOD. I also didn’t realize that some people who compliment me were actually right. To all my tall girls right here, loving yourself FIRST is the most important thing. Who you are is enough ? A proud giraffe ??? Story 2 by @leahkinglive One that’s not talked about much is what it’s like being a tall woman. I’m 6feet/182cm, which isn’t as tall as some women I’ve met, but definitely taller than the average man worldwide. I do love it, and have always loved it, but it also means that some people have called me degrading names since childhood, react crazily to me if they feel intimidated, and generally act as though my height is the only thing that’s important about me. It’s sad for them, and just frustrating to me! It’s just a wild journey of loving the body you’re in, isn’t it? Anyway I’d love to see a creative expression of feminine height and/or feminine grandness – it’s ok for us to feel larger than life and capable of taking up tons of space, even if it makes men feel small.

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#bodypositive #selflove #bodypositivity Story by: @nadeekz When I was younger and lived in Ghana I was very skinny and very athletic. The same issues you had; i did too. Many people gave me nicknames, ask if I ate etc. For school  I went to the US and when I arrived my hair was short and I was more Muscular than most girls. People use to make fun of my body ; saying that I looked like a man and my muscles were like a boy. They boys would ask me to show off my muscles ?? but not in an encouraging way ; more to laugh and make fun of me. This made me very insecure to the point that I started to downplay how good I was in sports just so I will be seen as more feminine. I would always wear t Shirts to cover my muscles and etc because I wanted to be seen as a girl and not a man. As I got older I started to embrace my talent as an athlete and realized that many people admired me as an athlete. I didn’t have to be more feminine to be a woman ; I could be very athletic and still be the beautiful woman that I am. Now a days everyone is becoming obsessed with fitness trend which is good but I think the focus has become more about attaining this perfect body rather than becoming healthy and becoming the best version of ourselves . People look at my athletic physique now and tell me I have a “ perfect” body because fitness is a trend now; but I also was looking for that perfect feminine body all my life and never got it. None of us are perfect but we can find perfection within ourselves and the way we are. Today I am happy to inspire other women to accept themselves as they are and make Health their priority. The most important thing is a healthy body , mind and soul.

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#bodypositive #bodypositivity #selflove #selfacceptance #loveyourself #booty? Story by @kadia_b I have always had a “bigger” butt, especially compared to the rest of my frame. Always, since the day I was born. It never really bothered me until it started bringing attention. Unwanted attention. Attention from my mom and aunties teasing me about it for as long as I can remember, Attention from other girls in the playground gasping laughing and asking if it was bothering or too heavy, Attention from boys in middle school asking me if they could touch it or if I could twerk, And after I went through puberty, Attention from men. Now, you would think that in a society where having a large buttock is praised and worshiped thanks to people like Kim Kardashian or Nicki Minaj, and that I should feel lucky to have one naturally. I don’t. My body was not a trend and I had to tolerate people’s comments long before it became something likable on the eyes of the world. Growing up in Africa women with curves are considered more attractive and more beautiful, but the only thing I really felt like was objectified. That’s why I grew up hating my butt, I would wear long top to hide it and google all types of exercises to shrink it. But it never worked, because it was merely part of me. That’s when I came to the realization that the ass is not what I didn’t like, what people had to say about it, especially when no one asked, is what affected me. The unwanted attention. So I decided to stop caring, and fell in love with my body.

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#metoo Thousands of women are raped every day in the world, but very few are able to talk about it, to complain or fight. Why? Because our "beautiful" society has the tendency to blame the victim almost every time. "" Oh but you should not have to gone out so late !!! "" "" "Ah, but you had a mini skirt" "," "why are you complaining if you agreed to have dinner with him?" "," "dont tell me that you were not trying to seduce him with all that makeup" "… Ladies … NOTHING JUSTIFIES RAPE, SEXUAL ASSAULT OR HARASSMENT. Neither your clothing, your make-up, your relationship with the abuser (because even your husband doesnt have the right to force you to have sex if you dont want to, the concept of marital rape exists). There is no enabling circumstance for the abuser and you need to talk about it so that thing starts to change. Don't remain silent, dont let anyone tell you that you have some responsibility in this despicable act !!!! Speak out because you dont have to carry this burden alone, talk to help other women who are afraid, talk to start a revolution, talk to change things. You are not alone. Dont be discouraged even if your direct surrounding makes you feel guilty … the weight can be difficult to sustain and the battle can be hard but it is worth it !!!!!! It's never too late to speak out. Even if the assault took place 20 years ago, a crime remains a crime so dare to speak out …. dont let anything pass… so those men learn to honor and respect women . Because yes, it is not for you to interfere with your liberty so that they are not tempted but for them to know how to control themself. I repeat it once more, dare to talk about it, dare to SNITCH ON YOUR PIGS… talk to the people around you so they can bring you all the support that the victims desperately need to start the process of healing… My DM is open to anyone who wants to talk. You are not alone.

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Laetitia KY’ın River Island ve Sugarbearhair için hazırladığı tasarımlar

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