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Depresyonla Mücadelesini Çizgileriyle Anlatan İllüstratör

Depresyonla Mücadelesini Çizgileriyle Anlatan İllüstratör

Dawid Planeta, geçirdiği depresyon süresince bilinçaltında keşfettiği karanlık yanlarını illüstrasyonlarıyla dışa vuruyor.

Bazılarımız için kendini ifade ederek zihnini iyileştirebildiği tek alan sanat. Travmalar, depresyon ya da dünyaya ve topluma uyum sorunları sanatsal üretimin tetikleyicisi olabiliyor. Sanat tarihindeki pek çok muhteşem eserin ardında da yaşamı bu türden sıkıntılarla geçmiş sanatçılar var. Polonyalı grafik tasarımcı ve illüstratör Dawid Planeta da geçirdiği depresyonun ardından bunu sanatsal üretimine yansıtmış bir sanatçı.

Bilinçaltının karanlık dehlizlerine yolculuk ve orada diğer insanlarla buluşmak

Dawid Planeta, geçtiğimiz yıl yaşadığı depresyonu çizgiye dökmüş ve karanlık hislerin kaynağını görselleştirmiş. Planeta üretim sürecini şöyle açıklıyor: “Bilincinizden çok daha derinlere inmelisiniz. Orası hepimizin ortak yanı olan evrensel nitelikleri, pek çoğumuzun hissettiği halde anlam veremediği şeyleri bulacağınız yerdir. Bu sanatınız aracılığıyla diğer insanlarla bağ kurmanın yoludur.”

Karanlıkta kim olduğunu bulmak

Planeta çalışmalarını kendini aramak için karanlığa ve kaosa inen bir adamın hikayesi olarak tanımlıyor. İç gücünü ve ışığı bulmak ve o ışıkla birlikte geri dönmek için yola çıkan bir adam bu. Bu adam kim olduğunu keşfettikten sonra da oraya iniyor belki ama bu defa bu karanlığın onun parçası olduğunu bilerek korkusuzca iniyor.

Dawid Planeta’yı Behance, tumblr ve Facebook üzerinden de takip edebilirsiniz.

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"Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves." —John Muir Nature's Peace, 2018, ©Dawid Planeta It was an amazing week of things happening the way they want to, while I was allowing them to take me wherever they wanted to take me. The results are amazing – I met amazing people just when they needed me, new experiences where unfolding in front of me one after another and everything felt peaceful and calm. Thank you life. #nature #landscape #artstation #artshub #theuniversalart #theartshed #artoftheday #photooftheday #picoftheday #bestoftheday #minipeople #dawidplaneta #art #artist #jungle #mysterious #vision #poster #illustration #digitalart #graphicdesign #graphics

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“Allow the power to flow through you. Don’t try to capture it. You wish only to borrow it.” ― G.G. Collins Trying to capture something will only cause frustration, because you can't HAVE anything. You can borrow things and use them, you can be it the certain space using whatever this space is giving you, but when you start to be afraid of losing it you try to capture it. All your energy goes into something that is impossible to achieve. By accepting that you will never actually have it you can start to appreciate the experience itself. Forget about wanting it or being afraid to lose it. Just feel it now. I made a new version of the picture for printing – I will make a small series of prints, so if you would like to get one and support my art, send me a message! Love Power, 2017, ©Dawid Planeta #minipeople #dawidplaneta #art #artist #jungle #mysterious #vision #poster #illustration #digitalart #graphicdesign #artoftheday #instaart #print #sell #buy #offer #artforsale #artshub #photooftheday #theuniversalart #theartshed #amazing #forest #magic #minipeople #photoshop

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Sands of Time, ©Dawid Planeta, 2018 “It's the sands of time that contain the bones of our ancestors.” ― Anthony T. Hincks Everything is connected and nothing will be forgotten. If we want to change the future we need to do it by changing things right now. No more waiting. The most important thing we can change, the thing we should start with, is letting go of the need to change. It may sound unreasonable, but if we constantly repeat ourselves that we are not enough, we train ourselves to think exactly that, we bulid neurosynaptic pathways responsible for this particular way of thinking and strengthening them even more with every day negative self-talk. The stronger these pathways become the more problems they’re causing – like a hunger you cannot satisfy. We like to tell ourselves that we are going to be happy when we achieve particular goal, manage to do the things we planned, when we earn more money. But if we train ourselves to think this way, the moment we get to the point that suppose to make us happy, we gonna face the real problem. The problem of realization that nothing has changed – you don’t feel peace, you are not happy, your mind is still hungry, still wants more, and not only that – you also feel panic because you see that things are not the way you thought they are, which may be really painful realization. You cannot change things quickly – if you want to be happy and peaceful, you need to learn how to do that, and learning is a long process. So if you really want to do it, the best time to start is now. Focus on things that make you grateful, that make you happy and allow them in your life. Don’t forget the negative aspects, they are important too, but don’t think that you will be happy only if they are gone. They will never be gone. They are here to teach you how to be happy no matter the circumstances. They are here to tell you the wisdom of your ancestors. #minipeople #dawidplaneta #art #artist #jungle #theartshed #artoftheday #artshub #photooftheday #picoftheday #bestoftheday #theuniversalart #digitalart #graphicdesign #graphics #artistic #jungle #nature #landscape #artstation #amazing #instaart #instagram

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