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Wii – Hold on Tight

Wii – Hold on Tight

Malum Nintendo’nun  kopan Wii bileklikleri vs. yuzunden basi epey derde girdi. Hallolmayacak bir sorun degil gibi gozukse de, Nintende ancak  bileklikleri degistirmekle yetindi, imajini duzeltmek icin  reklam- promosyon benzeri bir girisimde bulunmadi. Tabi bu arada Wiimote lari tv lere  duvarlara cakan cakana…

Neyse efendim bu adamlara derman Super78 isimli bir reklam media vs. islerle ugrasan yeniyetme bir studyodan gelmis. Adamlar ustumuze vazife degil demeyip oturup bir reklam yapmislar youtube’a cakmislar. 

Sirketten bir yetkili demis ki hatta; 

“I really love the Wii and I had been reading these stories about Wii controllers flying out of peoples hands. We had some down time at the office so I got together with one of the animators and I sketched out a storyboard of the spot. In the board the controller is this high energy maniac and the nun-chuck just wants to get away. So our most talented animator Michael Smith created this fun spot there is a lot of character…This was done by us, Super 78, using our own resources, no agency was involved, no money changed hands. I am hoping that you could post it so we can see if it catches fire.” 

İzleyin gorun.